In 2025, the YOC will not be available until April 1.
Hawk’s Landing Country Club is proud to be participating in the CT’s Golf Association “Youth On Course Program”.
Hawk’s Landing allows for youngsters between the ages of six and 18 years old (who have registered) to play our courses
for only $5.00!
When reserving a tee time, please let the counterperson know you are with YOC.
Available Times To Tee Off:
Monday – Thursday:
18 Holes: Anytime
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, & Holidays:
After 12:00 P.M.
All “Youth On Course” tee times must be booked by calling the Pro Shop at (860) 793-6000 Ext. #2.
Go to https://youthoncourse.org and follow the easy directions to register your youngster.
The registration cost is $25.00.